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The™ Will "Go Live" Friday

For details and pricing, keep an eye on this site at "launch time" Friday September 4th at 9:00 A.M. Pacific Time (GMT -8)


The™ is a
Turn-key Practice Management Operating System

This comprehensive practice managment platform is for Financial Advisors who have committed to offering fully comprehensive financial services for their clients.  


Frequently Asked Questions
Go to Mark's Response to Advisor Questions here: Launch Related Questions

Here's exactly what you get...

  • This operating system fully supports the building, training and orchestrating of a deliverables team of best-in-class experts who will thoroughly serve your Ideal clients in the areas of financial planning, money management, estate planning, insurance planning and tax planning.
  • An easy-to-follow checklist-driven comprehensive financial services system with 138 items on the annual client deliverables checklist so you can be sure every one of your ideal clients' "financial house" is in perfect order.
  • Full orientation and training videos and templates for every member of your (growing) deliverables team of experts which saves time for people in your office (probably you) from explaining what is expected of them in your operation.
  • A system for documenting every major process in writing so that everyone in your office knows exactly what to do and when to do it and your office will run like a proverbial "Swiss Watch."
  • A highly-structured annuual client meeting system so that your (growing) deliverables team has a routine they can understand and support at a consistent and high level. This meeting cycle is disciplined enough for your team to love and flexible enough to address the dynamic needs of affluent ideal client situations.
  • A blueprint customized for your practice to keep you and your team focused on implementing while mindful of the fact that you have to serve clients and acquire new ones at the same time. This platform is designed to implement in easily digestible "bite sized" pieces.

My Best,


Mark McKenna Little
Author, Speaker and Trusted Advisor